Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
What To Expect at New Life!
But always be ready to expect the unexpected!
Our greeters will welcome you and seat you.
Our hymns and songs will be displayed on the monitors.
Our weekly program will explain our order of service and any announcements that will be made.
We invite you to come as you are...
But ask your attire be tasteful and not offensive to anyone.
Please turn off the sound on your devices.
Please stand for the offering, the reading of God's Word, and all congregational prayer.
We want your presence during our service, but realize you may need your cellphone for Bible lookup or to give your tithes or donations. Our wifi password is:
Restrooms are located
A breakout room is also available to calm your children, or to step away momentarily.